Eirik Østby, aka Yme is a Norwegian composer. Born 02.04.82, Oslo, Norway. Most of his works are electronic. He has a special interest for drone music and the contemplative way of listening. He is also an active organ player.
Notable works: “Composition” Architecture and music 2004 “Chaos magic” for large orchestra 2004, “Noise utopia” (EA) 2007, two electronic albums “Dreaming(2010) and Magic moments(2012) About UNKNOWN3NERGY_2 _ "The essential idea of this piece is to experiment and find pleasure in complex sounds ,both harsh and soft. Orderly and Chaotic. I am using 3 main sound categories. Complex sound(Noise), Dystonic(Unclear pitch) and Tonic(pitched)sounds. The tonic and dystonic sounds function mostly as colouring in this piece, since the noise sounds are most dominant; except for part 3 where the the Tonic sounds are the dominant ones. In part 1 there is a great struggle with the 3 categories, the form is chaotic and abstract, all the elements in the piece is presented first as a dramatic chaos, then it slows down and gets more predictable. In part 2 the focus is on pure noise sounds with fewer tonic sounds. This part is one large crescendo, starting with a main-loop used as an ostinato and which grows stronger and stronger until there is white noise. In part 3 the form is more clear, now the dominating sounds are tonic/dystonic sounds, the noise sounds here are expressed in a more softer way. All the sounds and textures are made with using Granular synthesis as a main technique." - Eirik Østby |